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April 2024 - Introducing the new website

Introducing: v2! It's been rebuilt from the ground up with a sleek new design..

Minimalism is the name, and accesibility is the game! Everything is clearly laid out, with the navigation menu allowing you to traverse the entire website with ease.

The website is also optimised for mobile devices, as well as PC. An example of this would be the Nav bar which turns into a side menu on mobile.

This section, News will feature all of our latest pieces of news, from website updates to new Everthorn features, to even Events! It is meant to be the one place to easily digest the latest happenings and keep yourself up-to-date.

But this is just the beginning! We have plans to expand the functionality of the website. Most notable, to move the Wiki onto here. Fandom is clunky. Everthorn is not.

And of course, our World Map will become actually interactive, allowing you to view live updates to the world as they happen, view Projects created live, and see the locations of anyone on the server!